Special Education

Special Education

  • EMAIL TEACHER – Click on the teacher’s name.

Program Goals

By the end of the school year, students in the Moderate-Severe Program will know and be able to 

  • advocate for themselves across activities and all environments. 
  • access curriculum and standards based on their level and needs as stated by their IEPs.
  • have opportunities to achieve goals related to their functional independence.

Teachers 2023-24

Department Chairs:

Brittany Broas
Moderate 9-12 Teacher & Moderate/Severe Dept. Head

Kristy Parcells
Fundamentals Teacher and Co-Teacher (English Language Arts)

Marco Amaral
Fundamentals Teacher (Science)

Wendy Boatwright
Co-Teacher (Math)

Rolanda Bradley
Social Communication & Fundamentals Teacher (English Language Arts)

Teresa Cabana
Moderate & Transition Teacher

Melissa Cartwright
Moderate/Severe Teacher

Edgar Garcia
Fundamentals Teacher (History/Social Science)

Christopher Herring
Fundamentals (Social Science) and Transitions Teacher

Michael Powers
Moderate/ Severe Teacher

Heather Salcedo
Fundamentals Teacher (English Language Arts)

Alfonso Sanchez
Moderate/ Severe Teacher

Violeta Tanasa 
Moderate Teacher

Joseph Tontz
Adapted Physical Education

Alexandria Toscano
Fundamentals Integrated Math 9, 10, 11 & Co-Teacher (Math)

Roxana Vasquez
Fundamentals  (Math)

Christine Villaflor
Fundamentals Teacher & Co-Teacher (English Department)

Instructional Assistants & Health Care Assistants

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