Science Innovation Academy

Science Innovation Academy

The Science Innovation Academy (SIA) is designed to attract those students who want more out of school. SIA delivers rigorous A-G academics taught by celebrated, award-winning teachers. Students prepare for college through transformative school experiences that are relevant career activities. Students work directly with research scientists and healthcare practitioners to prepare for high-paying rewarding careers.

SIA is filling the need for US science and technology industries (STEM) that are facing a crisis: there are more job openings available than there are qualified employees to fill essential positions. SIA students have the potential to fill those careers in industry through immediate experiences.

SIA students become a family of learners as they take advanced courses packed with real-world applications and skills. The academic support system and skill set training develops SIA students into confident learners all while being able to earn college credit.

Guest speakers, field trips, paid and unpaid student internships, professional mentorships and community service learning projects round out SIA. SIA students al

so have access to scholarships that are only available to academy students.

The Science Innovation Academy at Castle Park High School is your student’s connection to a fulfilling career in science and technology.

SIA Course Sequence

10th Grade:

  • Biotech Honors
  • English 10 (ACC)
  • World History


  • Chemistry Honors
  • English 11 (AP)
  • US History (AP)
  • Sales and Marketing


  • Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors
  • Sports Medicine 1, 2, or 3

Darci Kimball
National Board Certified Teacher
San Diego County Teacher of the Year 2012
Castle Park High School

  • Biotechnology
  • Medical Chemistry
  • Medical Anatomy and Physiology Science
  • Bridge Tech Site Coordinator
  • Distribution Center Medical Chemistry Curriculum Resource Coordinator
  • SUHSD Healthcare