Physical Education

Physical Education

The Physical Education department at Castle Park High School expects that your enrollment in Physical Education will be an enjoyable experience. Our goals include helping you to improve your self-image through improved physical fitness and social skills. In accomplishing this, you will also improve your movement skills while gaining a better understanding of movement and other elements of sports and physical activities.

SUHSD Curriculum page for PE & Health

Teachers 2023 – 2024

  • EMAIL TEACHER – Click on the teacher’s name.
  • VIEW COURSE SYLLABUS – Click on the course/subject.

Department Chair:

Lorena Macias
Dance & Physical Education Course I

Bernard Ansolabehere
 Athletic Director

Miguel Bucio
Physical Education Course II & Weight Training/Conditioning

Aaron Partch
Physical Education Course II & Weight Training/Conditioning

Joseph Tontz
Adaptive Physical Education

Michael Wegenka
Physical Education Course I & II
