Sora by Overdrive (eBooks)

Sora by Overdrive (eBooks)

What can students do on Sora?

  • Read ebooks and listen to audiobooks.
  • Adjust reading or audio settings.
  • View and sync progress.
  • Define new or unfamiliar words.
  • Add and export bookmarks, highlights, and notes.
  • Place books on hold.
  • Add a public library for more books.

How do I log on?

  1.  Download the app or go to
  2. For the school site, search and choose : Sweetwater Union High School District
  3. Then click on “Sign in using Sweetwater Union High School District”
  4. Students log in to the website using the same email and password they use for their school email accounts.
  5. Start exploring and reading!

If you want directions how to do this with screenshots please click on this LINK

Have a book request for our library? Click on this LINK.