English Learners and ELAC

English Learners and ELAC

English Learners in the Sweetwater district are provided with a variety of support services to help them master California State Content Standards and improve their proficiency in the English Language. Each California public school, grades kindergarten through 12, with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The purpose of the ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners, and the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement. The percentage of parents of English learners on the committee must be at least the same as that of English learners at the school. Guided by SUHSD’s EL Master Plan, EL student placement is based on an analysis of multiple data points. Newcomer or Short-Term ELs (STELs) are placed in ELD I, ELD II, or ELD III where students have access to both Designated ELD and Integrated ELD. Students placed in ELD IV have access to Designated ELD hour. STELs are placed in Bilingual or Structured English Immersion (SEI) classes for math, history/social science, and science, as courses are available. Long-Term ELs (LTELs) are placed in SEI classes and Bilingual classes, as courses are available. ELs at CPH have wrap-around support provided by the ELD Curriculum Specialist, Targeted Support Resource Teacher, and Student Program Facilitator. EL Support Staff (click on hyperlinks to email staff directly):

Next ELAC Meeting:  

School Year 2024-25:
March 4, 2025 ELAC Agenda
February 4, 2025 ELAC Agenda
December 3, 2024 ELAC Agenda
October 22, 2024 ELAC Agenda
September 17, 2024 ELAC Agenda
August 6, 2024 ELAC Agenda

ELAC Meetings: 
2023-2024 Archived ELAC Meetings
2022-2023 Archived ELAC Meetings 
2021-2022 Archived ELAC Meetings